May 17, 2023
University of Milan Bicocca, in collaboration with Nuclear Instruments and CAEN, organized in May the first Sci-Compiler school. During the 2-days school, the students learned how to use the Sci-Compiler software to program the DT1260 digitizer board. Following the agenda of the school:
- Introduction to digital pulse processing for Nuclear Physics
- Algorithm implementation on FPGA
- Introduction to Sci-Compiler
- Sci-Compiler installation and configuration
- Sci-Compiler basic usage
- Implementing a discriminator using Sci-Compiler
- Implementing a digitizer using Sci-Compiler
- Counting particles using Sci-Compiler
- Implementing a time tagging unit using Sci-Compiler with List readout
- Implementation of charge integrator with Sci-Compiler
- Calculate on-line energy spectrum using histograms in FPGA
- Calculate off-line energy spectrum and time distribution using histograms in PC
- Implementation of a coincidence unit using Sci-Compiler with List readout of in-coincidence events
- Hierarchical design and sub-diagram
- Simulation with Sci-Compiler