Sci-Compiler support multichannel design and hierarchical design

Hierarchical design and multichannel design are very related concept: a design sheet can be included one or multiple time in a design in a root, branch, leaf style.


In Sci-Compiler starting a hierarchical design requires the creation of child sheet and a sub-design symbols.

Child Sheet

A child sheet is a normal page that can implement any logic block except hardware I/O and memory mapped peripheral. This limitation is due to the fact that only the top sheet will have direct access to I/Os (digital and analog) and to the communication interfaces.

Child sheet can access to I/O and register using sheet ports.

The following child-sheet (sub design) take a signal, invert the polarity, subtract the offset and implements a trigger. To operate in need the input analog signal and several configuration.


Input and output signals/parameters are passed to sub design by Schematic port.


Schematic port will appear as input/output pin on the sub-design symbol.


A schematic sheet symbol is an electrical primitive, used to represent a sub or child sheet in a hierarchical schematic organization or hierarchy org chart. Sheet symbols also include schematic entries (port IN/OUT), which provide a work breakdown structure with net connection between parent and child schematic sheets, similar to the way that ports provide nodes between schematics in a top (single page) schematic design diagram. The sheet symbols can be used to organize multiple schematics on a large design and provides users with the overall flexibility to view net connections across their entire project.

When defining the entries in the sheet symbol, the sheet entry names are then linked to the same name in their sub sheets.