To run the software double click on the link created by the setup. At the first run a wizard will automatically start in order to help the user to configure the compilation settings of the software. Click the Let's GO! button to start the configuration.


The next window explains and summarizes the Sci-Compiler design flow. Click on the Next button to proceed further.


The next window shows the minimum requirements for the installation of the external FPGA compiling tool and link for their download. Once one or both the tools have been installed click the Next button.


The following window allows to set the path of the installed executable of the FPGA compiling tool. Click the search button on the right side of the path file field to browse the computer file and select the correct path (the bin folder containing the vivado/quartus executables). The click the Test button to check if the inserted path is correct. If the test has been passed it will be possible to click the Next button to proceed with the configuration.


The following window allows to login to site by setting the username and the password of the previously generated account. If the credentials are correct it is possible to be logged in and exploit all the described advantages. Otherwise it is also possible to proceed without the login. Click the Next button to go further.


The Sci-Compiler configuration is completed: it is possible to start to use the software by clicking the Start button.


During the software execution it is always possible to change the configuration settings by clicking the Settings button in the Home Toolbar.


The following window will be opened.


In the Compiling Options tab it is possible to set the path of the FPGA compiling executable files and the folder for the default output file. For Vivado it should be specified the path of the vivado.bat file, while for Quartus it should be indicated the path of the quartus_sh.exe file. The path can be inserted by writing the path in the correspondent field or by clicking the search button and browsing the computer files. The Save button saves the information of each field.


The Cloud Compiling Options section contains the settings for the cloud compilation. The box Enable Cloud compile enables, if checked, the cloud compilation. The Username and Password fields allow the user to insert the username and the password, respectively, for the login to the platform of the cloud compiling. The box Automatic login enables, if checked, to remember the username and password and automatically login to the platform for the cloud compilation. The Test button allows the user to check if the inserted username and password are correct. The Save button saves all the information.