You can add and remove licenses from a team every time you want. Only Sci-Compiler Digital PRO licenses are eligible for sharing. A license can be assigned to a user in two ways: statically assigned or dynamically assigned. A statically assigned license is always assigned to the same user until the manager unassigns it. With dynamically assigned licenses, the licenses will be released when the user finishes using Sci-Compiler, and the user needs to request it again every time.

Add Licenses

Only the manager of the team has the authority to add his licenses to the team.

To add a license to a team follow these steps:

  • Open My Sci-Compiler in your web browser and sign in.
  • Navigate to the Licenses section and scroll down to the Team section.
  • Click on the team to which you want to add licenses.
  • On the team details page, locate and click on “Manage licenses” at the top-right corner of the licenses card, a popup will appear.
  • You can select licenses to add to a team from the box on the left and then press the arrow pointing to the right to add them to the team. Once licenses have been added to a team, you won’t find them among your personal licenses. You can search for licenses by typing the serial number into the input box at the top of the box.

Remove Licenses

Only the manager of the team has the authority to remove licenses from the team.

You cannot remove a license from a team if someone is currently using it. If the license is statically assigned, unlink it from the user who is currently using it. If it is dynamically assigned, ask the user to stop using the license before removing it from the team.

Follow these steps to remove a license from a team:

  • Open My Sci-Compiler in your web browser and sign in.
  • Navigate to the Licenses section and scroll down to the Team section.
  • Click on the team from which you want to remove licenses.
  • On the team details page, locate and click on “Manage licenses” at the top-right corner of the licenses card, a popup will appear.
  • You can select licenses to remove from a team from the box on the right and then press the arrow pointing to the left to remove them from the team. Once licenses have been removed from a team, they will appear among your personal licenses. Licenses assigned to a user are unselectable and cannot be removed from a team until someone is using them.

Assign license

Only team manager can statically assign licenses

Licenses can be assigned dynamically or statically. A statically assigned license is always assigned to the same user until the manager unassigns it. With dynamically assigned licenses, the licenses will be released when the user finishes using Sci-Compiler, and the user needs to request it again every time.

To statically assign a license to a user, follow these steps:

  • Open My Sci-Compiler in your web browser and sign in.
  • Navigate to the Licenses section and scroll down to the Team section.
  • Click on the team where you want to statically assign a license to a user.
  • Locate the license that you want to statically assign, then click on the assign icon under the actions column. This will open a popup.
    The button to statically assign a license
    The button to statically assign a license
  • Then, locate the user to whom you want to statically assign the license, and click on “Assign” to complete the static assignment of the license.

Unassign license

Only team manager can unassign statically assigned licenses

To unassign a statically assigned license, follow these steps:

  • Open My Sci-Compiler in your web browser and sign in.
  • Navigate to the Licenses section and scroll down to the Team section.
  • Click on the team where you want to unassign a statically assigned license to a user.
  • Locate the statically assigned license that you want to unassign, and then click on the unassign icon under the actions column. This will open a popup.
    The button to unassign a statically assigned license
    The button to unassign a statically assigned license
  • Then, in the popup that just opened, click on “Yes, unlink it!” to confirm that you want to unassign the license.