The SCI-Compiler offers the possibility to connect with one of the two supported board types and to explore the features of the FPGA firmware that has been graphically designed by the user, compiled and downloaded to the FPGA with the application software.

The tool that allows the FPGA firmware testing is the “Resource Explorer”, that can be launched by clicking the “Resource Explorer” button in the “Compiler” group of the “Home” toolbar. In the Connection window that will appear, reported in the following, the user can configure the connection to the desired board. In particular, he has to choose the board model by clicking on one of the two board icons, select one of the option for the “Connection Type” drop down list between USB, Ethernet or VME. In the case of the USB connection the “Serial Number” will be filled automatically with the list of the detected board serial numbers. In the case of the Ethernet the board internet protocol address has to be inserted in the field “IP”. The firmware uploaded on the board can be tested by selecting the .json file located in the “library” folder of the opened project and generated during the compilation process. The user can select the file by clicking the “Browse…” button and search through the computer files. The “Selected Json File” field will show the selected file path. The “Connect” button enables the connection to the board with all the specified settings.


The following window will appear,showing the list of all the Registers, List Modules, Logic Analyzers and Oscilloscopes available on the FPGA firmware of the connected board. The items of all the components can be visualized by clicking on the “+” symbol of the correspondent component.


The “File” button opens a menu with the following items:

  • the “Open” button allows to load a different .json file by opening a window to search through the computer file. The file should be compatible with the connected board, otherwise an error will notify the issue to the user.
  • the “Save” button enables the user to …
  • the “Exit” button closes the “Resource Explorer” tool.

The “View” button allows to create a new table or a new plot that will be used respectively to control and to visualize the values from a set of registers simultaneously, as described in the next paragraph Register.

The “Connection” opens a menu with the following items:

  • the “Disconnect” button closes the connection with the board.
  • the “New Connection” allows to create a new connection by showing again the “Resource Explorer” Connection window.