The List Module blocks that have been added to the diagram are available in the list of the List Module in the Resource Explorer. By clicking on a component and pressing the “Download” button the following window will be shown. It allows the download of the data that are provided as input of the selected List Module block, whose name and address expressed in hexadecimal notation are reported in the window name.


The user can select the “Format” in which the data can be downloaded between decimal or binary. In the field “File Name” and “File Folder” the user can specify the name and the path of the file containing the downloaded data. The “Browse…” button can be used in order to search through the computer and select the desired folder. The total number of data in words to be downloaded can be inserted in the “Target Size” field, selecting the unit from the menu on its right side. The data download process can be started by clicking the “Start” button. The progress bar on the bottom of the window allows to follow the data download progression.